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Beyond the Energy Gap Law: The Influence of Selection Rules and Host Compound Effects on Nonradiative Transition Rates in Boltzmann Thermometers
Advanced Optical Materials ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-07 , DOI: 10.1002/adom.202200059
Philip Netzsch 1, 2 , Matthias Hämmer 1 , Erich Turgunbajew 1 , Thomas P. van Swieten 3 , Andries Meijerink 3 , Henning A. Höppe 1 , Markus Suta 4

Apart from the energy gap law, control parameters over nonradiative transitions are so far only scarcely regarded. In this work, the impact of both covalence of the lanthanoid–ligand bond and varying bond distance on the magnitude of the intrinsic nonradiative decay rate between the excited 6P5/2 and 6P7/2 spin–orbit levels of Gd3+ is investigated in the chemically related compounds Y2[B2(SO4)6] and LaBO3. Analysis of the temperature-dependent luminescence spectra reveals that the intrinsic nonradiative transition rates between the excited 6PJ ( J = 5/2, 7/2) levels are of the order of only 10 ms−1 (Y2[B2(SO4)6]:Gd3+: 8.9 ms−1; LaBO3:Gd3+: 10.5 ms−1) and differ due to the different degree of covalence of the GdO bonds in the two compounds. Comparison to the established luminescent Boltzmann thermometer Er3+ reveals, however, that the nonradiative transition rates between the excited levels of Gd3+ are over three orders of magnitude slower despite a similar energy gap and the presence of a single resonant phonon mode. This hints to a fundamental magnetic dipolar character of the nonradiative coupling in Gd3+. These findings can pave a way to control nonradiative transition rates and how to tune the dynamic range of luminescent Boltzmann thermometers.



除了能隙定律之外,迄今为止几乎没有考虑过非辐射跃迁的控制参数。在这项工作中,镧系元素-配体键的共价和不同的键距对Gd 3+激发的6 P 5/26 P 7/2自旋轨道能级之间的固有非辐射衰减率大小的影响在化学相关化合物 Y 2 [B 2 (SO 4 ) 6 ] 和 LaBO 3中进行了研究。对与温度相关的发光光谱的分析表明,激发的6 P之间的固有非辐射跃迁速率J ( J  = 5/2, 7/2)能级仅为10 ms -1 (Y 2 [B 2 (SO 4 ) 6 ]:Gd 3+ : 8.9 ms -1 ; LaBO 3 :Gd 3 + : 10.5 ms -1 ) 并且由于两种化合物中 Gd O 键的共价程度不同而不同然而,与已建立的发光玻尔兹曼温度计 Er 3+的比较表明,Gd 3+的激发能级之间的非辐射跃迁率尽管有类似的能隙并且存在单个共振声子模式,但速度要慢三个数量级以上。这暗示了 Gd 3+中非辐射耦合的基本磁偶极特性。这些发现可以为控制非辐射跃迁率以及如何调整发光玻尔兹曼温度计的动态范围铺平道路。