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Does Sustainability Matter to Fashion Consumers? Clustering Fashion Consumers and Their Purchasing Behavior in Spain
Fashion Practice ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-07 , DOI: 10.1080/17569370.2022.2051297
Silvia Blas Riesgo , Mónica Codina , Teresa Sádaba


Using choice-based conjoint analysis, this research explores consumer behavior for sustainable fashion in Spain. We confronted consumers through an online survey with a real marketplace situation in which they had to make trade-offs between different attributes and where the importance of the price factor was explicitly considered. Specifically, the information available for consumers on clothing hangtags – price, country of origin, material composition, and (with/without) fair-trade label – was used to study consumer preferences for sustainable fashion products. Furthermore, we examined how consumers ponder the five dimensions of sustainable fashion – functionality, authenticity, exclusivity, localism and equity. Based on a sample of 1,063 respondents, the results indicate that price is still the critical purchasing driver for the average consumer. 31.9% of the sample always chose the lowest price-tag independently of the other attributes. Combining the conjoint results, the attitude towards the five dimensions of slow fashion, and demographics, we identified four clusters of consumers: Sustainability Rejecters, Sustainability Neutrals, Sustainability Believers, and Sustainability Enthusiasts. Ninety-two consumers, 8.65% of the sample, appear to buy sustainable fashion regularly. This endorses and significantly adds to the literature on sustainable fashion consumer behavior in a flourishing market and to the attitude-behavior gap research.




本研究使用基于选择的联合分析,探索西班牙可持续时尚的消费者行为。我们通过在线调查让消费者面对真实的市场情况,在这种情况下,他们必须在不同的属性之间做出权衡,并且明确考虑了价格因素的重要性。具体来说,消费者可在服装吊牌上获得的信息——价格、原产国、材料成分和(有/无)公平贸易标签——被用来研究消费者对可持续时尚产品的偏好。此外,我们研究了消费者如何思考可持续时尚的五个维度——功能性、真实性、排他性、地方主义和公平性。基于 1,063 名受访者的样本,结果表明,价格仍然是普通消费者的关键购买驱动力。31.9% 的样本总是独立于其他属性选择最低价格标签。结合联合分析结果、对慢时尚五个维度的态度以及人口统计数据,我们确定了四组消费者:可持续性拒绝者、可持续性中立者、可持续性信徒和可持续性爱好者。92 名消费者(占样本的 8.65%)似乎定期购买可持续时装。这支持并显着增加了关于繁荣市场中可持续时尚消费者行为的文献以及态度-行为差距研究。根据对慢时尚和人口统计的五个维度的态度,我们确定了四类消费者:可持续性拒绝者、可持续性中立者、可持续性信徒和可持续性爱好者。92 名消费者(占样本的 8.65%)似乎定期购买可持续时装。这支持并显着增加了关于繁荣市场中可持续时尚消费者行为的文献以及态度-行为差距研究。根据对慢时尚和人口统计的五个维度的态度,我们确定了四类消费者:可持续性拒绝者、可持续性中立者、可持续性信徒和可持续性爱好者。92 名消费者(占样本的 8.65%)似乎定期购买可持续时装。这支持并显着增加了关于繁荣市场中可持续时尚消费者行为的文献以及态度-行为差距研究。
