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The complex social ecology of academic development: A bioecological framework and illustration examining the collective effects of parents, teachers, and peers on student engagement
Educational Psychologist ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-05 , DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2022.2038603
Ellen A. Skinner 1 , Nicolette P. Rickert 2 , Justin W. Vollet 3 , Thomas A. Kindermann 1


In this article, we aimed to contribute to a fuller understanding of the complex social ecologies that shape students’ academic development by focusing on richer and more precise conceptualizations of mesosystem effects. First, building on bioecological models, we argued for the importance of collective influences, defined as influences from multiple microsystems that act in concert to shape students’ academic functioning and development. We identified three ways collective effects can operate: (1) coactively, (2) contingently, and (3) sequentially. Second, we demonstrated the utility of this framework by using it to organize a narrative review of 32 studies of the effects of parents, teachers, and peers on students’ academic engagement. The framework was used to classify studies, integrate findings, identify trends, and suggest directions for future study. Third, we explored next steps in the conceptualization and study of complex social ecologies, by incorporating perspectives that are more developmental, cultural, sociohistorical, and inclusive.




在本文中,我们旨在通过关注更丰富、更精确的中系统效应概念化,帮助更全面地了解影响学生学业发展的复杂社会生态。首先,基于生物生态模型,我们论证了集体影响的重要性,定义为来自多个微系统的影响,这些微系统协同作用以塑造学生的学术功能和发展。我们确定了集体效应可以运作的三种方式:(1)协同,(2)偶然,和(3)顺序。其次,我们通过使用它对 32 项关于父母、教师和同伴对学生学术参与的影响的研究进行叙述性回顾,证明了该框架的实用性。该框架用于对研究进行分类、整合研究结果、识别趋势并为未来研究提出方向。第三,我们通过结合更具发展性、文化性、社会历史性和包容性的观点,探索了复杂社会生态学概念化和研究的下一步。
