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Ultra-Efficient Americium/Lanthanide Separation through Oxidation State Control
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-30 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c00594
Zhipeng Wang 1 , Jun-Bo Lu 2 , Xue Dong 1 , Qiang Yan 1 , Xiaogui Feng 1 , Han-Shi Hu 3 , Shuao Wang 4 , Jing Chen 1 , Jun Li 2, 3 , Chao Xu 1

Lanthanide/actinide separation is a worldwide challenge for atomic energy and nuclear waste treatment. Separation of americium (Am), a critical actinide element in the nuclear fuel cycle, from lanthanides (Ln) is highly desirable for minimizing the long-term radiotoxicity of nuclear waste, yet it is extremely challenging given the chemical similarity between trivalent Am(III) and Ln(III). Selective oxidation of Am(III) to a higher oxidation state (OS) could facilitate this separation, but so far, it is far from satisfactory for practical application as a result of the unstable nature of Am in a high OS. Herein, we find a novel strategy to generate stable pentavalent Am (Am(V)) through coordination of Am(III) with a diglycolamide ligand and oxidation with Bi(V) species in the presence of an organic solvent. This strategy leads to efficient stabilization of Am(V) and an extraordinarily high separation factor (>104) of Am from Ln through one single contact in solvent extraction, thereby opening a new avenue to study the high-OS chemistry of Am and fulfill the crucial task of Ln/Am separation in the nuclear fuel cycle. The synergistic coordination and oxidation process is found to occur in the organic solvent, and the mechanism has been well elucidated by quantum-theoretical modeling.



镧系元素/锕系元素分离是原子能和核废料处理的世界性挑战。将镅 (Am)(核燃料循环中的关键锕系元素)与镧系元素 (Ln) 分离对于最大限度地降低核废料的长期放射性毒性是非常可取的,但鉴于三价 Am(III) 之间的化学相似性,这是极具挑战性的) 和 Ln(III)。将 Am(III) 选择性氧化为更高的氧化态 (OS) 可以促进这种分离,但到目前为止,由于 Am 在高 OS 中的不稳定性质,它的实际应用还远远不能令人满意。在此,我们找到了一种新的策略,通过 Am(III) 与二甘醇酰胺配体的配位以及在有机溶剂存在下与 Bi(V) 物质的氧化来生成稳定的五价 Am (Am(V))。4)通过溶剂萃取中的一次接触将Am从Ln中分离出来,从而为研究Am的高OS化学和完成核燃料循环中Ln/Am分离的关键任务开辟了一条新途径。发现协同配位和氧化过程发生在有机溶剂中,其机理已通过量子理论模型得到很好的阐明。