寒武纪时期动物的多样化是地球历史上最重要的进化事件之一。然而,导致“现代”生态系统起源的事件序列以及埃迪卡拉纪和寒武纪动物群之间的确切时间关系尚不确定,因为确定埃迪卡拉纪-寒武纪边界和通过该区间的全球相关性仍然存在问题。在这里,我们回顾了围绕寒武纪底部全球相关性的争议,并提出了新的高分辨率生物地层、岩石地层和δ13蒙古扎夫汗盆地埃迪卡拉纪末期至寒武纪基底地层的C化学地层数据。这个以碳酸盐为主的序列,通过蒙古西南部的 Zuun-Arts 和 Bayangol 地层,在 Zuun-Arts 地层顶部附近捕获了一个明显的负 δ 13 C 偏移,被认为是基底寒武纪碳同位素偏移 (BACE)。在这个位置,BACE 的最低点与特征性早期寒武纪原牙形石 Protohertzina anabarica的首次出现非常吻合。尽管最近有人认为在埃迪卡拉纪-寒武纪过渡期间存在生物矿化动物的进化连续体,但我们认为这种连续体仅限于管状形式,而骨骼类群如Protohertzina描绘完全限于寒武纪的“真正的”寒武纪代表。使用首次出现的痕迹化石Treptichnus pedum来定义寒武纪的底部存在重大缺陷,特别是在通常不保存的碳酸盐环境中。作为T. pedum是唯一可用于关联在纽芬兰财富海德定义的寒武纪全球边界层型剖面和点 (GSSP) 的代理,我们建议在其他地方重新定义 GSSP,在包含允许全球关联的二级标记的新地层剖面中。我们建议将 BACE 的最低点作为定义寒武纪基础的首选候选者。然而,BACE 必须辅以二级标记。在许多全球剖面中,BACE 的最低点和Protohertzina属的首次出现密切并列,BACE 和T也是如此。百合. 因此,这些分类群提供了对 BACE 的基本生物地层控制,并增加了有效全球相关性的潜力。我们还建议同时建立辅助边界层型剖面和点 (ASSP),以纳入有助于埃迪卡拉纪-寒武纪边界的全球相关性的附加标记。通过上 Zuun-Arts 和 Bayangol 地层的 BAY4/5 剖面产生了关键的贝壳化石和 δ 13 C 值,因此是考虑作为埃迪卡拉纪-寒武纪边界的 GSSP 的理想候选者。
Locating the BACE of the Cambrian: Bayan Gol in southwestern Mongolia and global correlation of the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary
The diversification of animals during the Cambrian Period is one of the most significant evolutionary events in Earth’s history. However, the sequence of events leading to the origin of ‘modern’ ecosystems and the exact temporal relationship between Ediacaran and Cambrian faunas are uncertain, as identification of the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary and global correlation through this interval remains problematic. Here we review the controversies surrounding global correlation of the base of the Cambrian and present new high-resolution biostratigraphic, lithostratigraphic and δ13C chemostratigraphic data for terminal Ediacaran to basal Cambrian strata in the Zavkhan Basin of Mongolia. This predominantly carbonate sequence, through the Zuun-Arts and Bayangol formations in southwestern Mongolia, captures a distinct, negative δ13C excursion close to the top of the Zuun-Arts Formation recognized as the BAsal Cambrian carbon isotope Excursion (BACE). In this location, the nadir of the BACE closely coincides with first occurrence of the characteristic early Cambrian protoconodont Protohertzina anabarica. Despite recent suggestions that there is an evolutionary continuum of biomineralizing animals across the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition, we suggest that this continuum is restricted to tubular forms, and that skeletal taxa such as Protohertzina depict ‘true’ Cambrian representatives that are restricted entirely to the Cambrian. Employing the first appearance of the trace fossil Treptichnus pedum to define the base of the Cambrian suffers significant drawbacks, particularly in carbonate settings where it is not commonly preserved. As T. pedum is the only proxy available to correlate the Cambrian Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) defined at Fortune Head, Newfoundland, we suggest that the GSSP be redefined elsewhere, in a new stratigraphic section that contains secondary markers that permit global correlation. We propose the nadir of the BACE as the favored candidate to define the base of the Cambrian. However, it is essential that the BACE be complemented with secondary markers. In many global sections the nadir of the BACE and the first occurrence of the genus Protohertzina are closely juxtaposed, as are the BACE and T. pedum. Hence these taxa provide essential biostratigraphic control on the BACE and increase potential for effective global correlation. We also recommend that an Auxiliary boundary Stratotype Section and Point (ASSP) be simultaneously established in order to incorporate additional markers that will aid global correlation of the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary. The BAY4/5 section through the upper Zuun-Arts and Bayangol formations yields key shelly fossils and δ13C values and is therefore an ideal candidate for consideration as the GSSP for the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary.