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Technology in psychology: a bibliometric analysis of technology-based interventions in clinical and health psychology
Informatics for Health & Social Care ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-30 , DOI: 10.1080/17538157.2022.2054343
Juan M Flujas-Contreras 1, 2 , Azucena García-Palacios 3, 4 , Inmaculada Gómez 1, 2


This study aimed to identify, synthesize, and evaluate the current state of research on the use of technology-based interventions in clinical psychology through 2017 as a recent innovative area of study. It was intended to provide a critical overview of trends in different tools and populations and identify future areas of interest. This paper focuses on studies published in psychological interventions in childhood, adolescents, adults, and geriatric populations using new technologies, including web-based intervention, virtual reality, augmented reality, mobile applications, and robotics, with particular attention to methodology. To achieve this aim, a systematic search was made in the ISI Web of Science for intervention, psychology, and the technological tools previously mentioned. The results of the study show that the use of information and communication technologies in psychology has been an innovative and growing field of study for the last 10 years. In total, 743 were included in this study. A growing trend has been observed in publications related to psychology and the use of technologies since 2007. Resea0rch topics were focused mainly on interventions on specific problems or disorders such as depression. The largest number of publications were found for the web-based intervention, in randomized clinical trials and applied to adults




本研究旨在确定、综合和评估 2017 年临床心理学中基于技术的干预措施的研究现状,作为最近的创新研究领域。它旨在提供对不同工具和人群趋势的重要概述,并确定未来感兴趣的领域。本文重点关注使用新技术(包括基于网络的干预、虚拟现实、增强现实、移动应用程序和机器人技术)对儿童、青少年、成人和老年人口进行心理干预的研究,并特别关注方法论。为实现这一目标,在 ISI Web of Science 中对干预、心理学和前面提到的技术工具进行了系统搜索。研究结果表明,在过去 10 年中,信息和通信技术在心理学中的应用一直是一个创新且不断发展的研究领域。总共有 743 人被纳入这项研究。自 2007 年以来,与心理学和技术使用相关的出版物出现了增长趋势。研究主题主要集中在对特定问题或障碍(如抑郁症)的干预上。在随机临床试验中发现了基于网络干预的最多出版物,并将其应用于成人 研究主题主要集中在对特定问题或疾病(如抑郁症)的干预上。在随机临床试验中发现了基于网络干预的最多出版物,并将其应用于成人 研究主题主要集中在对特定问题或疾病(如抑郁症)的干预上。在随机临床试验中发现了基于网络干预的最多出版物,并将其应用于成人
