Oxidation of Metals ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s11085-022-10101-x J. A. S. de León 1, 2 , L. Alanís-López 2
Annealed hypoeutectoid ASTM A510/A853 steel wire is widely used in the construction industry due to its mechanical properties, which makes it a very versatile material to work with. This work concerns the prediction of the thickness of the scale layer of the hypoeutectoid steel wire once subjected to a batch annealing process. We propose a mathematical model to approach oxidation occurring during the process. The model treats this phenomenon as a non-isothermic instance; it takes as input a heating curve, a cooling curve, and a holding time that corresponds to the heating and cooling cycles and a heating holding cycle. We assume the temperature of material outer spiral segments as the furnace atmosphere temperature. With the aid of this model, it is possible to predict the oxide scale layer of the outer spirals segments of the annealed drawn wire coils after batch annealing with reasonable accuracy. We did not find visible evidence of decarburization; the steels of the study in this work do not decarburize. As an approximation, we assumed that the temperature of the outside of the drawn wire coils equals the furnace atmosphere.
ASTM A510/A853 冷拔亚共析钢丝批量退火后氧化皮层形成预测的数学模型
退火亚共析 ASTM A510/A853 钢丝因其机械性能而广泛用于建筑行业,这使其成为一种用途广泛的材料。这项工作涉及对经过批量退火处理的亚共析钢丝的氧化皮层厚度进行预测。我们提出了一个数学模型来处理过程中发生的氧化。该模型将此现象视为非等温实例;它将加热曲线、冷却曲线和与加热和冷却循环以及加热保持循环相对应的保持时间作为输入。我们假设材料外螺旋段的温度为炉内气氛温度。借助这个模型,在批量退火后,可以以合理的精度预测退火拉丝线圈的外螺旋段的氧化皮层。我们没有发现明显的脱碳迹象;在这项工作中研究的钢不脱碳。作为近似值,我们假设拉制线圈外部的温度等于炉内气氛。