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Testing the polar auxin transport model with a selective plasma membrane H+-ATPase inhibitor
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-29 , DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13256
Yongqing Yang 1 , Xiaohui Liu 2 , Wei Guo 3 , Wei Liu 4 , Wei Shao 5 , Jun Zhao 1 , Junhong Li 1 , Qing Dong 1 , Liang Ma 1 , Qun He 6 , Yingzhang Li 1 , Jianyong Han 6 , Xiaoguang Lei 2

Auxin is unique among plant hormones in that its function requires polarized transport across plant cells. A chemiosmotic model was proposed to explain how polar auxin transport is derived by the H+ gradient across the plasma membrane (PM) established by PM H+-adenosine triphosphatases (ATPases). However, a classical genetic approach by mutations in PM H+-ATPase members did not result in the ablation of polar auxin distribution, possibly due to functional redundancy in this gene family. To confirm the crucial role of PM H+-ATPases in the polar auxin transport model, we employed a chemical genetic approach. Through a chemical screen, we identified protonstatin-1 (PS-1), a selective small-molecule inhibitor of PM H+-ATPase activity that inhibits auxin transport. Assays with transgenic plants and yeast strains showed that the activity of PM H+-ATPases affects auxin uptake as well as acropetal and basipetal polar auxin transport. We propose that PS-1 can be used as a tool to interrogate the function of PM H+-ATPases. Our results support the chemiosmotic model in which PM H+-ATPase itself plays a fundamental role in polar auxin transport.


用选择性质膜 H+-ATPase 抑制剂测试极性生长素转运模型

生长素在植物激素中是独一无二的,因为它的功能需要跨植物细胞的极化运输。提出了一种化学渗透模型来解释极性生长素转运是如何通过由 PM H + -三磷酸腺苷酶 (ATPases)建立的跨质膜 (PM)的 H +梯度得出的。然而,通过 PM H + -ATPase 成员突变的经典遗传方法并没有导致极性生长素分布的消除,这可能是由于该基因家族中的功能冗余。为了确认 PM H + -ATP酶在极性生长素转运模型中的关键作用,我们采用了化学遗传方法。通过化学筛选,我们鉴定了质子抑制素-1 (PS-1),一种 PM H +的选择性小分子抑制剂-抑制生长素转运的ATP酶活性。对转基因植物和酵母菌株的测定表明,PM H + -ATPases 的活性影响生长素的吸收以及顶叶和基部的生长素极性转运。我们建议 PS-1 可用作询问 PM H + -ATPases 功能的工具。我们的结果支持化学渗透模型,其中 PM H + -ATPase 本身在极性生长素转运中起基本作用。