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A Jumble of Writings: Commentaries on Aristotle’s De Longitudine et Brevitate Vitae Attributed to Adam of Buckfield
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-23 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-12340033
Tilke Nelis 1

The translatio vetus of Aristotle’s De longitudine et brevitate vitae – a medieval text also known under the title of De morte et vita – was commented upon by the Oxford Master Adam of Buckfield in the thirteenth century. Inventories record two commentaries, which are either anonymous or unclearly ascribed. These writings are usually attributed by modern scholarship to Buckfield, though not always on convincing grounds. In the present article, I offer a more accurate, expanded overview of some so-called Buckfield commentaries on the translatio vetus, distinguishing between four individual texts. In order to characterize these writings, and to have a solid basis for addressing the authenticity problem, one passage from each commentary is scrutinized within the scope of a case study.


杂文:对亚里士多德的 De Longitudine et Brevitate Vitae 的评论归因于巴克菲尔德的亚当

亚里士多德的De longitudine et brevitate vitae翻译 vetus - 一个中世纪的文本,也以De morte et vita的名义而闻名- 由 Buckfield 的牛津大师亚当在 13 世纪评论。清单记录了两条评论,要么是匿名的,要么是不明原因的。这些著作通常被现代学术认为是巴克菲尔德的,尽管并不总是有令人信服的理由。在本文中,我对一些所谓的巴克菲尔德关于翻译的评论进行了更准确、更广泛的概述,区分四个单独的文本。为了描述这些著作的特征,并为解决真实性问题打下坚实的基础,每个评论中的一段都在案例研究的范围内进行了仔细检查。
