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A Wine a Day …: Medical Experts and Expertise in Plutarch’s Table Talk
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-23 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-12340032
Michiel Meeusen 1

This contribution examines the important role that medical experts and expertise played at convivial networking events in the High Roman Empire, as imagined by a non-specialist in the field, viz. the famous Platonist intellectual Plutarch of Chaeronea (ca. 45–120 CE). An analysis of a number of medical problems discussed in his Table Talk will yield fresh insights into the social and intellectual role which doctors, as members of the educated elite, were expected to play in convivial community contexts and also how popular or common had become certain theories, concepts and beliefs relating to health and healing in the High Imperial era. At the same time, it will give a clearer idea of what was the place of medical experts and expertise in Plutarch’s intellectual programme, and how this interest ties in with his (natural) philosophical endeavours more generally.



这篇文章探讨了医学专家和专业知识在罗马帝国的欢乐社交活动中发挥的重要作用,正如该领域的非专家所想象的那样,即。Chaeronea 的著名柏拉图主义知识分子普鲁塔克(约公元 45-120)。对他的Table Talk中讨论的一些医疗问题的分析将对医生作为受过教育的精英成员在欢乐的社区环境中所扮演的社会和知识角色产生新的见解,以及与高中健康和康复相关的某些理论、概念和信仰如何流行或普遍帝国时代。同时,它将更清楚地了解医学专家和专业知识在普鲁塔克的智力计划中的位置,以及这种兴趣如何与他的(自然)哲学努力更普遍地联系起来。
