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The TCEC20 Computer Chess Superfinal: A perspective
ICGA Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.3233/icg-210184
GM Matthew Sadler 1

Just like last year, Season 20 DivP gathered a host of familiar faces and once again, one of those faces had a facelift! The venerable KOMODO engine had been given an NNUE beauty boost and there was a feeling that KOMODO DRAGON might prove a threat to LEELA’s and STOCKFISH’s customary tickets to the Superfinal. There was also an updated STOOFVLEES to enjoy while ETHEREAL came storming back to DivP after a convincing victory in League 1. ROFCHADE just pipped NNUE-powered IGEL on tiebreak for the second DivP spot.


TCEC20 计算机国际象棋超级决赛:视角

就像去年一样,第 20 季 DivP 聚集了许多熟悉的面孔,其中一张面孔再次焕然一新!久负盛名的 KOMODO 引擎获得了 NNUE 美感提升,人们感觉 KOMODO DRAGON 可能会对 LEELA 和 STOCKFISH 的超级决赛门票构成威胁。还有一个更新的 STOOFVLEES 可以享受,而 ETHEREAL 在联赛 1 中取得令人信服的胜利后冲回 DivP。ROFCHADE 在抢七局中击败了 NNUE 驱动的 IGEL,获得了 DivP 的第二个位置。