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Chess960 Superhumans!
ICGA Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.3233/icg-210182
GM Matthew Sadler 1

Chess960 time at the Top Chess Engine Championship (TCEC, 2021a)! The more I watch these games, the more I feel that the gap between humans and engines is even higher in Chess960 than in normal chess. I loved the opening phase of this game between two of the less famous engines on show. I’m not sure I would have thought of any of Black’s moves! The game VAJOLET2 – SLOWCHESS BLITZ is available for replay and download (TCEC, 2021b).


Chess960 超人!

Chess960 在顶级国际象棋引擎锦标赛 (TCEC, 2021a) 上的时间!越看这些游戏,越觉得Chess960中人与引擎的差距比普通国际象棋还要大。我喜欢在展出的两个不太知名的引擎之间的这场比赛的开场阶段。我不确定我是否会想到布莱克的任何棋步!游戏 VAJOLET2 – SLOWCHESS BLITZ 可供重播和下载(TCEC,2021b)。