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Scanning the Literature
IEEE NETWORK ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-28 , DOI: 10.1109/mnet.2017.7994886
Xiaohua Tian

Presents concise summaries of selected papers that are recently published in the field of networking. Each summary describes the paper's main idea, methodology, and technical contributions. The purpose of the column is to bring the state of the art of networking research to readers of IEEE Network. Authors are also welcome to recommend their recently published work to the column, and papers with novel ideas, solid work, and significant contributions to the field are especially appreciated. Authors wishing to have their papers presented in the column should contact the editor.



提供最近在网络领域发表的精选论文的简明摘要。每个摘要都描述了论文的主要思想、方法论和技术贡献。该专栏的目的是向 IEEE Network 的读者介绍网络研究的最新技术。也欢迎作者向专栏推荐他们最近发表的作品,特别赞赏思想新颖、工作扎实、对该领域做出重大贡献的论文。希望将论文发表在专栏中的作者应联系编辑。