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Socially Motivated Data Caching in Ultra-Dense Small Cell Networks
IEEE NETWORK ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-28 , DOI: 10.1109/mnet.2017.1600320
Konglin Zhu , Wenting Zhi , Xu Chen , Lin Zhang

UDN is considered as a promising technique to boost the network capacity by reducing the path loss between the base station and UE for the upcoming 5G mobile communication, while the backhaul capacity has become the bottleneck in huge data traffic generated by UEs. One effective approach to coping with the bottleneck is caching the content at the edge of UDNs. Taking advantage of D2D communication, not only SBSs but also UE can serve as cache nodes to help others for data access by sharing a channel to directly communicate with each other, thus tackling the bandwidth limitation of backhaul links. However, due to the selfish nature of mobile users in the network, incentive is needed for UEs to cache for others. In this article, the data caching incentive problem in UDNs is studied by exploring caching cost of SBS and social factors among UEs. A social group utility maximization (SGUM) game is exploited to motivate data caching among SBSs and UEs. Based on SGUM, a socially motivated caching approach is proposed. The evaluation of the proposed socially motivated caching approach is provided and compared to baseline caching schemes. The corresponding results and observations support the vision of a socially motivated caching paradigm for the future UDNs.



UDN被认为是一种很有前途的技术,可以通过减少即将到来的5G移动通信中基站和UE之间的路径损耗来提高网络容量,而回程容量已成为UE产生的巨大数据流量的瓶颈。应对瓶颈的一种有效方法是在 UDN 边缘缓存内容。利用D2D通信,不仅SBS而且UE都可以作为缓存节点,通过共享信道直接相互通信来帮助其他节点进行数据访问,从而解决回程链路的带宽限制。然而,由于网络中移动用户的自私本质,需要激励UE为其他用户缓存。本文通过探讨SBS的缓存成本和UE之间的社会因素来研究UDN中的数据缓存激励问题。利用社交群体效用最大化(SGUM)游戏来激励 SBS 和 UE 之间的数据缓存。基于SGUM,提出了一种社会激励的缓存方法。提供了对所提出的社会动机缓存方法的评估,并将其与基线缓存方案进行了比较。相应的结果和观察结果支持了未来 UDN 的社会驱动的缓存范例的愿景。