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Video Delivery in Dense 5G Cellular Networks
IEEE NETWORK ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-28 , DOI: 10.1109/mnet.2017.1600298
Antonios Argyriou , Konstantinos Poularakis , George Iosifidis , Leandros Tassiulas

One of the main challenges for mobile network operators today is the efficient delivery of mobile VoD services. In order to satisfy their requirements, we must revolutionize the way we manage the densely deployed resources in 5G wireless networks, and tailor their operation for video content delivery. Two key approaches that leverage the density of the 5G infrastructure are the systematic usage of in-network storage resources available in BSs for the deployment of smart caching policies, and the video delivery optimization techniques that leverage the novel multi-tier, dense, and heterogeneous structure of 5G systems. We first provide an overview of the main features of the densely deployed 5G networks that are expected to shape mobile VoD services. Next, we present specific solutions that have recently been proposed for each one of the approaches above, and discuss the main lessons learned. Finally, we discuss a number of open problems for video delivery in dense 5G systems.


密集 5G 蜂窝网络中的视频传输

当今移动网络运营商面临的主要挑战之一是高效提供移动 VoD 服务。为了满足他们的要求,我们必须彻底改变 5G 无线网络中密集部署资源的管理方式,并针对视频内容交付定制其操作。利用 5G 基础设施密度的两种关键方法是系统地使用 BS 中可用的网络内存储资源来部署智能缓存策略,以及利用新颖的多层、密集和异构的视频传输优化技术5G系统的结构。我们首先概述了预计将塑造移动 VoD 服务的密集部署 5G 网络的主要特征。接下来,我们提出最近针对上述每种方法提出的具体解决方案,并讨论吸取的主要经验教训。最后,我们讨论了密集 5G 系统中视频传输的一些悬而未决的问题。