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Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous Relay Networks: A Non-Uniform Traffic Hotspot Case
IEEE NETWORK ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-28 , DOI: 10.1109/mnet.2017.1600295
Wei Peng , Min Li , Yuzhou Li , Wei Gao , Tao Jiang

Ultra-dense heterogeneous networks (UD-Het- Nets) with non-uniform traffic hotspots are important scenarios for future wireless networks, which, however, impose challenges on efficient framework and algorithm design due to the heavy congestion incurred by massive hotspot users. Considering these challenges, this article first develops a two-layer interference-aware heterogeneous relay network architecture that consists of macro base station networks and ultra-dense relay networks. Particularly, we develop an approach to formulate a QoE-aware optimization problem that enfolds connectivity and delay, both of which are crucial for hotspot users in our framework. Regarding this problem, we further devise a cost-efficient resource allocation algorithm that achieves almost the same performance as the optimal one.



流量热点不均匀的超密集异构网络(UD-Het-Nets)是未来无线网络的重要场景,然而,由于大量热点用户造成的严重拥塞,对高效的框架和算法设计提出了挑战。考虑到这些挑战,本文首先开发了一种由宏基站网络和超密集中继网络组成的两层干扰感知异构中继网络架构。特别是,我们开发了一种方法来制定 QoE 感知优化问题,其中包含连接性和延迟,这两者对于我们框架中的热点用户都至关重要。针对这个问题,我们进一步设计了一种具有成本效益的资源分配算法,其性能几乎与最优算法相同。