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Functional Properties of Emulsified Honey–Vegetable Oil Mixtures
ACS Physical Chemistry Au ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-01 , DOI: 10.1021/acsfoodscitech.1c00475
Andrew T. Tyowua 1 , Omowunmi O. Abel 1 , Sylvester O. Adejo 1 , Msugh E. Mbaawuaga 2

While the physical and chemical properties of natural honey are well-known, the functional properties of its emulsified mixtures with colloidal particles and vegetable oils are unknown. Herein, we show that natural honey is immiscible with vegetable oils at ambient temperature, making them suitable candidates for emulsification. When emulsified with colloidal particles like precipitated CaCO3 (Socal R1E FG, Calofort U and Calofort SV), the mixtures gave stable vegetable oil-in-honey emulsions. Both Socal R1E FG and Calofort U are unmodified CaCO3 particles, while Calofort SV is modified (coated with 3% stearic acid). The functional properties (namely droplet size and stability to creaming and coalescence) of these emulsions were investigated. The oil droplets in the emulsions were several microns, and after an initial small degree of coalescence, the emulsions remained stable for up to one year without creaming and further coalescence. Emulsions from Socal R1E FG had superior stability in comparison with those from Calofort U and Calofort SV. The apparent contact angles of honey and vegetable oil drops on glass slides coated with the particles are ≥90 and <1°, indicating that the particles are honephobic and oleophilic, respectively. When placed in vegetable oil, the apparent contact angles of a honey drop on the particle-coated glass slides were >90° for all the particles, with the highest values on Calofort SV-coated glass slides. Irrespective of the magnitude of these angles, all the particles formed vegetable oil-in-honey emulsions. This work opens up new opportunities for both the food and pharmaceutical industries. For instance, because honey is naturally sweet, these emulsions can be used in the formulation of novel food products without adding sweeteners. Furthermore, the emulsions can be used as bread, biscuit, or cracker spread, that is, as a substitute for margarine that has an appreciable fat content. In addition, these emulsions can be used for microencapsulation of water-labile food and pharmaceutically active ingredients.



虽然天然蜂蜜的物理和化学特性是众所周知的,但其与胶体颗粒和植物油的乳化混合物的功能特性是未知的。在这里,我们表明天然蜂蜜在环境温度下与植物油不混溶,使其成为乳化的合适候选者。当用胶体颗粒如沉淀的 CaCO 3 (Socal R1E FG、Calofort U 和 Calofort SV) 乳化时,混合物得到稳定的植物蜂蜜油乳液。Socal R1E FG 和 Calofort U 都是未经修饰的 CaCO 3颗粒,而 Calofort SV 进行了改性(涂有 3% 硬脂酸)。研究了这些乳液的功能特性(即液滴大小和对乳化和聚结的稳定性)。乳液中的油滴为几微米,在最初的小程度聚结后,乳液可保持稳定长达一年,不会产生乳状液和进一步聚结。与 Calofort U 和 Calofort SV 的乳液相比,Socal R1E FG 的乳液具有更高的稳定性。蜂蜜和植物油滴在涂有颗粒的载玻片上的表观接触角≥90°和<1°,表明颗粒分别是疏油和亲油的。当置于植物油中时,蜂蜜滴在颗粒涂层载玻片上的表观接触角对于所有颗粒均 > 90°,在 Calofort SV 涂层载玻片上具有最高值。不管这些角度的大小,所有的颗粒都形成植物蜂蜜包油乳液。这项工作为食品和制药行业开辟了新的机遇。例如,由于蜂蜜是天然甜味剂,这些乳液可用于配制新型食品而无需添加甜味剂。此外,该乳液可用作面包、饼干或薄脆饼干酱,即作为具有可观脂肪含量的人造黄油的替代品。此外,这些乳液可用于水不稳定食品和药物活性成分的微胶囊化。这项工作为食品和制药行业开辟了新的机遇。例如,由于蜂蜜是天然甜味剂,这些乳液可用于配制新型食品而无需添加甜味剂。此外,该乳液可用作面包、饼干或薄脆饼干酱,即作为具有可观脂肪含量的人造黄油的替代品。此外,这些乳液可用于水不稳定食品和药物活性成分的微胶囊化。这项工作为食品和制药行业开辟了新的机遇。例如,由于蜂蜜是天然甜味剂,这些乳液可用于配制新型食品而无需添加甜味剂。此外,该乳液可用作面包、饼干或薄脆饼干酱,即作为具有可观脂肪含量的人造黄油的替代品。此外,这些乳液可用于水不稳定食品和药物活性成分的微胶囊化。作为具有可观脂肪含量的人造黄油的替代品。此外,这些乳液可用于水不稳定食品和药物活性成分的微胶囊化。作为具有可观脂肪含量的人造黄油的替代品。此外,这些乳液可用于水不稳定食品和药物活性成分的微胶囊化。