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Can religious norms reduce violent attitudes? Experimental evidence from a Muslim–Christian conflict
Conflict Management and Peace Science ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-22 , DOI: 10.1177/07388942221077914
Anselm Hager 1 , Kunaal Sharma 2

We study whether religious anti-violence norms can reduce violent attitudes in settings of deep religious divisions. Our study context is a neighborhood in Nairobi with a history of religious violence. We randomly expose 576 Christian and Muslim respondents to anti-violence norms drawn from religious sources and find that the primes reduce violent attitudes by 0.2 standard deviations. We find no evidence, however, that highlighting the norms’ religious source increases their effectiveness. Rather, we show that subjects apply the norms in a literal manner, suggesting that it is the norms’ content that make them effective.



我们研究宗教反暴力规范是否可以减少宗教分歧严重的环境中的暴力态度。我们的研究背景是内罗毕的一个有宗教暴力历史的社区。我们随机让 576 名基督徒和穆斯林受访者接触来自宗教来源的反暴力规范,发现这些素数将暴力态度降低了 0.2 个标准差。然而,我们没有发现任何证据表明突出规范的宗教来源会增加其有效性。相反,我们表明受试者以字面的方式应用规范,这表明正是规范的内容使它们有效。