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Time and timing–A methodological perspective on production analysis
Critical Studies in Television ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-23 , DOI: 10.1177/17496020211070045
Hanne Bruun 1 , Kirsten Frandsen 1

In recent years, media production studies have grown into a thriving field of research, which has given rise to a discussion of the theoretical and methodological approaches it employs (Paterson et al, 2016; Frandsen, 2007; Bruun, 2010, 2016b). This article is a contribution to this development. The focal point is a discussion of how time and timing are important in media production research. The article points out that time is not just a matter of the amount of time that researchers have for their data collection. In production studies, the researcher constructs the object for analysis, and time is to be considered depending on the type of analytical object you are trying to create, on the temporality that is present in the production process behind specific genres and subject areas, and on the changes the media are undergoing. A particular aspect of time is timing, which has both a performative and a strategic dimension. The importance of time and timing will be illustrated with examples from our own and other researchers’ projects.



近年来,媒体制作研究已经发展成为一个蓬勃发展的研究领域,引发了对其采用的理论和方法论方法的讨论(Paterson et al, 2016; Frandsen, 2007; Bruun, 2010, 2016b)。本文是对这一发展的贡献。重点是讨论时间和时机在媒体制作研究中的重要性。文章指出,时间不仅仅是研究人员收集数据的时间问题。在生产研究中,研究人员构建用于分析的对象,时间的考虑取决于您尝试创建的分析对象的类型,特定类型和主题领域背后的生产过程中存在的时间性,以及媒体正在发生的变化。时间的一个特殊方面是时间,它具有表演性和战略性两个维度。时间和时机的重要性将通过我们自己和其他研究人员项目的例子来说明。