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Foreign Membership of the Royal Society: Schrödinger and Heisenberg?
Notes and Records ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-23 , DOI: 10.1098/rsnr.2021.0082
David C. Clary 1

Two pioneers of quantum mechanics, Erwin Schrödinger and Werner Heisenberg, were both nominated by Paul Dirac for election to the Royal Society in 1945. At first there was considerable opposition to Heisenberg's election from Max Born, Rudolf Peierls and Francis Simon. These three physicists were all refugees from Germany who had reservations about Heisenberg's activities in World War II. Born gave strong support to Schrödinger's nomination but this was not the case with Peierls and Simon. In time, the opposition became more muted and Schrödinger was elected a Foreign Member in 1949. Heisenberg's subsequent efforts to rebuild science in West Germany and in Europe after the war were welcomed, and he was eventually elected a Foreign Member in 1955.



两位Quantum Mechence,ErwinSchrödinger和Werner Heisenberg的两个先驱,都被Paul Dirac于1945年选举选举。起初,Heisenberg从Max出生,Rudolf Peierls和Francis Simon的选举有很大反对。这三位物理学家都是来自德国的难民,他们对海森堡在二战中的活动持保留态度。Born大力支持薛定谔的提名,但Peierls和Simon的情况并非如此。In time, the opposition became more muted and Schrödinger was elected a Foreign Member in 1949. Heisenberg's subsequent efforts to rebuild science in West Germany and in Europe after the war were welcomed, and he was eventually elected a Foreign Member in 1955.
