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The altered effects of chloride on the treatment efficiency of SO4·−-based AOPs by other background water constituents
Chemical Engineering Journal ( IF 13.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2022.135914
Yuzhen Zheng 1 , Huijun Xie 1 , Bo Sun 2 , Jian Zhang 2, 3 , Wenxing Wang 1

A significant loss of the treatment efficiency induced by Cl is a well-recognized drawback of the SO4·−-based AOPs and various mathematical model have been established to achieve quantitative prediction of the treatment efficiency of SO4·−-based AOPs at different levels of Cl. However, the background water constituents (e.g., ammonia and dissolved organic matter (DOM)) complicate the chemistry of Cl/SO4·− system and disable these models. This study shows that the degradation of sulfamethoxazole and bisphenol A by Co2+/PMS process decreased with dosing Cl at fresh water level, due to the shifted distribution of reactive species from SO4·− to Cl2·−, ClO· and HOCl. Besides quenching radicals, HOCl also contributed to pollutant degradation. Though ammonia alone negligibly influence the Co2+/PMS process, ammonia reacts with the in situ formed HOCl in the Cl/SO4·− process rapidly along with the generation of chloramine which mainly severed as radical scavenger rather than oxidant. Consequently, more severe efficiency loss of the SO4·−-based AOPs occur in the copresence of ammonia and Cl. Unexpectedly, the efficiency loss was alleviated after dosing DOM, which was attributed to the suppressed formation of chloramine. The occurrence of chlorate and disinfection by-products are not concerns in the Co2+/PMS process when Cl coexists with ammonia and DOM, because of the decreased formation of HOCl. These results enhance our understanding of the complex chemistry of SO4·−-based AOPs in real water and promote the progress of SO4·−-based AOPs towards the niche applications in water treatment.


氯化物对其他背景水成分对 SO4·− 基 AOPs 处理效率的影响

Cl -引起的处理效率的显着损失是基于 SO 4 ·- 的 AOPs 的一个公认的缺点,并且已经建立了各种数学模型来实现对 SO 4 · -基 AOPs 处理效率定量预测不同水平的 Cl -。然而,背景水成分(例如氨和溶解的有机物(DOM))使Cl - /SO 4 ·-系统的化学性质复杂化,并使这些模型失效。该研究表明,Co 2+ /PMS 工艺对磺胺甲恶唑和双酚 A 的降解随 Cl -在淡水水位,由于活性物质从 SO 4 ·-到 Cl 2 ·-、ClO ·和 HOCl 的移动分布。除了猝灭自由基外,次氯酸还有助于污染物降解。尽管氨单独对Co 2+ /PMS 过程的影响可以忽略不计,但氨与Cl - /SO 4 ·-过程中原位形成的HOCl反应迅速,同时生成主要作为自由基清除剂而不是氧化剂的氯胺。因此,在氨和 Cl - 的共存下,SO 4 ·-基 AOP的效率损失会更加严重-. 出乎意料的是,投加 DOM 后效率损失得到缓解,这归因于氯胺的形成受到抑制。当 Cl -与氨和 DOM 共存时,由于减少了 HOCl 的形成,因此在 Co 2+ /PMS 过程中不会出现氯酸盐和消毒副产物。这些结果加深了我们对真实水中SO 4 ·- 基AOPs 的复杂化学性质的理解,促进了SO 4 · -AOPs在水处理领域的应用。
