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Structural Modularization of Cu2Te Leading to High Thermoelectric Performance near the Mott–Ioffe–Regel Limit
Advanced Materials ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-16 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.202108573
Kunpeng Zhao 1, 2 , Chenxi Zhu 3 , Min Zhu 4 , Hongyi Chen 5 , Jingdan Lei 1 , Qingyong Ren 6 , Tian-Ran Wei 1, 2 , Pengfei Qiu 3 , Fangfang Xu 3 , Lidong Chen 3 , Jian He 7 , Xun Shi 1, 3

To date, thermoelectric materials research stays focused on optimizing the material's band edge details and disfavors low mobility. Here, the paradigm is shifted from the band edge to the mobility edge, exploring high thermoelectricity near the border of band conduction and hopping. Through coalloying iodine and sulfur, the plain crystal structure is modularized of liquid-like thermoelectric material Cu2Te with mosaic nanograins and the highly size mismatched S/Te sublattice that chemically quenches the Cu sublattice and drives the electronic states from itinerant to localized. A state-of-the-art figure of merit of 1.4 is obtained at 850 K for Cu2(S0.4I0.1Te0.5); and remarkably, it is achieved near the Mott–Ioffe–Regel limit unlike mainstream thermoelectric materials that are band conductors. Broadly, pairing structural modularization with the high performance near the Mott–Ioffe–Regel limit paves an important new path towards the rational design of high-performance thermoelectric materials.


Cu2Te 的结构模块化导致接近 Mott-Ioffe-Regel 极限的高热电性能

迄今为止,热电材料研究仍然集中在优化材料的带边缘细节上,不赞成低迁移率。在这里,范式从能带边缘转移到迁移率边缘,探索能带传导和跳跃边界附近的高热电性。通过碘和硫的合金化,平面晶体结构被模块化的液态热电材料 Cu 2 Te 与镶嵌纳米颗粒和高度尺寸不匹配的 S/Te 亚晶格化学淬火并驱动电子态从流动到局域化。在 850 K 时,Cu 2 (S 0.4 I 0.1 Te 0.5); 值得注意的是,它是在 Mott-Ioffe-Regel 极限附近实现的,这与作为带状导体的主流热电材料不同。从广义上讲,将结构模块化与 Mott-Ioffe-Regel 极限附近的高性能相结合,为高性能热电材料的合理设计开辟了一条重要的新途径。