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Coherently Coupled Mixtures of Ultracold Atomic Gases
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-10 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-conmatphys-031820-121316
Alessio Recati 1, 2 , Sandro Stringari 1, 2

This article summarizes some of the relevant features exhibited by binary mixtures of Bose–Einstein condensates in the presence of coherent coupling at zero temperature. The coupling, which is experimentally produced by proper photon transitions, can involve either negligible momentum transfer from the electromagnetic radiation (Rabi coupling) or large momentum transfer (Raman coupling) associated with spin–orbit effects. The nature of the quantum phases exhibited by coherently coupled mixtures is discussed in detail, including their paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, and, in the case of spin–orbit coupling, supersolid phases. The behavior of the corresponding elementary excitations is discussed, with explicit emphasis on the novel features caused by the spin-like degree of freedom. Focus is further given to the topological excitations (solitons, vortices) as well as to the superfluid properties. This review also points out relevant open questions that deserve more systematic theoretical and experimental investigations.



本文总结了玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚态的二元混合物在零温度下相干耦合所表现出的一些相关特征。这种耦合是通过适当的光子跃迁在实验中产生的,可能涉及来自电磁辐射的可忽略不计的动量传递(Rabi 耦合)或与自旋-轨道效应相关的大动量传递(拉曼耦合)。详细讨论了相干耦合混合物所表现出的量子相的性质,包括它们的顺磁性、铁磁性以及自旋-轨道耦合情况下的超固体相。讨论了相应的初等激励的行为,并特别强调了由自旋状自由度引起的新特征。进一步关注拓扑激发(孤子、涡流)以及超流体特性。本文还指出了值得更系统地进行理论和实验研究的相关开放性问题。