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The expediency of literature: French humanitarian narratives between politics and the market
French Cultural Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-07 , DOI: 10.1177/09571558221079757
Oana Sabo 1

In recent years, French authors have called for the mobilization of literature in favor of migrants’ rights and recognition. Writers, publishers, and booksellers have donated all revenue to humanitarian agencies such as La Cimade, Amnesty International, and UNHCR. At the same time, humanitarian NGOs have mobilized literary works to rally audiences around migrant issues. This essay examines how contemporary French literature and humanitarian organizations work in tandem to respond to the international migrant “crisis.” Drawing on George Yúdice's notion of “culture as resource,” I analyze two literary works—Matéi Visniec's play Migraaaants and Émilie de Turckheim's autofictional text Le Prince à la petite tasse—to argue that literary works’ ability to raise awareness about current migrations is enhanced when they sit alongside the actions of humanitarian NGOs.



近年来,法国作家呼吁动员文学作品支持移民的权利和承认。作家、出版商和书商已将所有收入捐赠给 La Cimade、国际特赦组织和联合国难民署等人道主义机构。与此同时,人道主义非政府组织动员文学作品围绕移民问题召集观众。本文探讨当代法国文学和人道主义组织如何协同工作以应对国际移民“危机”。借鉴乔治·尤迪斯的“文化作为资源”的概念,我分析了两部文学作品——马泰·维斯涅茨的剧本Migraaaants和埃米莉·德·图尔克海姆的自传文本Le Prince à la petite tasse——论证当文学作品与人道主义非政府组织的行动并驾齐驱时,提高人们对当前移民意识的能力会得到增强。
