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Investigation of the Role of Nitrogen in Cr18Mn15Mo1.5N Marine Steel
Steel Research International ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-07 , DOI: 10.1002/srin.202200018
Jimeng Liu 1 , Dingguo Zhao 1 , Cunshuai Zhang 1 , Hao Li 1 , Shuhuan Wang 1

A new high-nitrogen steel (Cr18Mn15Mo1.5N) with a nitrogen content of 0.54% for marine engineering is prepared using a vacuum induction furnace and remelting furnace. The effects of nitrogen on the microstructure, yield strength, yield ratio, elongation, and corrosion resistance are studied by holding the experimental steel at 800, 900, 1000, 1100, and 1200 °C for 1, 3, and 5 h, respectively, which are compared with 316 steel series. The results of solution treatment show that the second phase includes Cr2N precipitates at 800 and 900 °C, the second phase dissolves at 1000 and 1100 °C, and ferrite precipitates at 1200 °C, respectively. The yield strength of Cr18Mn15Mo1.5N steel is 2.5 times that of 316 steel, and the plasticity is equivalent. The corrosion resistance of the experimental steel treated at 1100 °C for 1 h is 7.94 times better than that of 316 steel.



采用真空感应炉和重熔炉制备了一种含氮量为0.54%的海洋工程用新型高氮钢(Cr18Mn15Mo1.5N)。通过将实验钢分别在 800、900、1000、1100 和 1200 ℃下保温 1、3 和 5 小时,研究了氮对显微组织、屈服强度、屈服比、延伸率和耐腐蚀性的影响,与316钢系列相比。固溶处理结果表明,第二相包括Cr 2N 在 800 和 900°C 析出,第二相在 1000 和 1100°C 溶解,铁素体分别在 1200°C 析出。Cr18Mn15Mo1.5N钢的屈服强度是316钢的2.5倍,塑性相当。实验钢在 1100 ℃ 处理 1 h 的耐腐蚀性比 316 钢好 7.94 倍。