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Families, Mental Health, and Delinquency: Testing Sexual Crime Typologies of Youth Who Sexually Harm
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-27 , DOI: 10.1177/15412040211073060
Adam Brown 1 , Erin Gardner 2

Researchers have made great strides in identifying risk factors associated with the commission of sexual harm by youth. However, many of the risk factors associated with youth who sexually harm (YSH) are also associated with nonsexual delinquency, making it hard to create typologies of YSH to target prevention and treatment. To eliminate an overlap with nonsexually offending general delinquents, Brown (2019) used latent class analysis to identify four unique classes of youth based only on their sexual crime characteristics. A research implication of Brown's findings was to explore the relationship of the classes to characteristics associated with sexual crime by youth to identify targeted treatment implications and opportunities to prevent sexual crime. In this study, the authors used chi-square analyses and logistic regression to test the relationships of mental health, family factors, concurrent delinquency with the classes identified in Brown's (2019) study using the same sample (N = 573) used by Brown. Findings highlight the potential differing etiology and treatment needs of YSH according to their offense characteristics. Treatment implications and directions for future research are offered.



研究人员在确定与青少年性伤害相关的风险因素方面取得了长足的进步。然而,与性伤害青少年 (YSH) 相关的许多风险因素也与非性犯罪有关,因此很难创建 YSH 的类型来针对预防和治疗。为了消除与非性犯罪一般犯罪者的重叠,Brown (2019) 使用潜在类别分析仅根据他们的性犯罪特征来识别四个独特的青年类别。布朗研究结果的一项研究意义是探索类别与青少年性犯罪相关特征的关系,以确定有针对性的治疗影响和预防性犯罪的机会。在这项研究中,N = 573) 由布朗使用。研究结果突出了 YSH 根据其犯罪特征可能存在的不同病因和治疗需求。提供了治疗意义和未来研究的方向。
