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Notes for a Biography: A Portrait of Isaiah Sonne (1887–1960)
Zutot ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-28 , DOI: 10.1163/18750214-bja10018
Martina Mampieri 1

Isaiah Sonne (1887–1960) was a distinguished scholar, paleographer, bibliographer, librarian, book dealer, and collector whose activities spanned Habsburg Galicia, Fascist Italy, Mandatory Palestine, and the United States during the first six decades of the 20th century. Although he was a prolific author and appreciated by many individuals especially because of his paleographic skills and profound knowledge of Jewish manuscripts and early printed books, his life and scholarship have only received modest attention since his death. The portrait offered in this brief article represents the first fruits of a book project that aims to produce the very first cultural biography of this scholar.


传记注释:以赛亚·索内 (1887–1960) 的肖像

以赛亚·索内 (Isaiah Sonne, 1887–1960) 是一位杰出的学者、古学家、书目学家、图书管理员、书商和收藏家,在 20 世纪的前六个十年期间,他的活动遍及哈布斯堡加利西亚、法西斯意大利、托管巴勒斯坦和美国。尽管他是一位多产的作家,并受到许多人的赞赏,尤其是因为他的古文字技能和对犹太手稿和早期印刷书籍的渊博知识,但他的生平和学术在他去世后只受到了适度的关注。这篇简短的文章中提供的肖像代表了旨在制作这位学者的第一本文化传记的图书项目的第一批成果。
