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Increasing the Plasticity of Chalcogenide Glasses in the System Ag2Se–Sb2Se3–GeSe2
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-02 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c04312
Yury S. Tveryanovich 1 , Timur R. Fazletdinov 1 , Andrey S. Tverjanovich 1 , Dmitrii V. Pankin 1 , Egor V. Smirnov 1 , Oleg V. Tolochko 2 , Maxim S. Panov 1 , Mikhail F. Churbanov 3 , Igor V. Skripachev 3 , Mikhail M. Shevelko 4

We proposed a new concept of increasing the plasticity of chalcogenide glasses while maintaining a high glass transition temperature. The main idea of this concept lies in the formation of Ag–Ag metallophilic interactions when silver chalcogenide is introduced into the glass composition. This suggestion was confirmed by the experimental study of glasses based on the Ag2Se–Sb2Se3–GeSe2 system. It was observed that the introduction of 40 mole percent of Ag2Se into the glass composition leads to the increase of its plasticity by 3.5 times, whereas the glass transition temperature of such glass remains higher than 200 °C. The most typical application area of these materials is infrared (IR) optics. In our case, the addition of silver not only improves the mechanical properties of a glass but also allows one to keep the position of the fundamental absorption edge in the near-IR region (900 nm), which is quite suitable for the aforementioned applications.


在 Ag2Se–Sb2Se3–GeSe2 体系中增加硫属化物玻璃的可塑性

我们提出了一种新概念,即在保持高玻璃化转变温度的同时增加硫属化物玻璃的可塑性。该概念的主要思想在于当将银硫属化物引入玻璃组合物中时,Ag-Ag 亲金属相互作用的形成。基于Ag 2 Se-Sb 2 Se 3 -GeSe 2系统的玻璃的实验研究证实了这一建议。观察到引入 40 摩尔百分比的 Ag 2Se 进入玻璃成分导致其可塑性增加 3.5 倍,而这种玻璃的玻璃化转变温度仍然高于 200 ℃。这些材料最典型的应用领域是红外 (IR) 光学。在我们的案例中,添加银不仅可以提高玻璃的机械性能,而且可以使基本吸收边缘的位置保持在近​​红外区域(900 nm),非常适合上述应用。