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Determination of 3D near fault seismic behaviour of Oroville earth fill dam using burger material model and free field-quiet boundary conditions
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-27 , DOI: 10.1080/13873954.2022.2033274
Memduh Karalar 1 , Murat Cavuslu 1


In this study, the three-dimensional (3D) near-fault earthquake performance of the Oroville dam is examined considering a special material model and various seismic boundary conditions. The 3D finite-difference model of the Oroville EF dam is modeled using the finite difference method. Burger Creep (BC) material model is utilized for the foundation and dam body materials. Special interface elements are taken into account between the dam body and foundation. Fix, free field, and quiet seismic boundary conditions are considered for 3D nonlinear earthquake analyses. Total six various strong near-fault earthquakes are used in the 3D analyses. According to the non-linear earthquake analyses, principal stresses, horizontal and vertical displacements for three nodal points are assessed in detail and numerical results are compared for reflecting and non-reflecting seismic boundary conditions. It is clearly understood that seismic boundary conditions should not be utilized randomly for 3D modeling and analysis of EF dams.


使用汉堡材料模型和自由场静边界条件确定奥罗维尔填土坝的 3D 近断层地震行为


在这项研究中,考虑特殊材料模型和各种地震边界条件,研究了 Oroville 大坝的三维 (3D) 近断层地震性能。Oroville EF 大坝的 3D 有限差分模型使用有限差分法建模。Burger Creep (BC) 材料模型用于基础和坝体材料。坝体和基础之间考虑了特殊的界面元素。3D 非线性地震分析考虑了固定、自由场和静地震边界条件。在 3D 分析中总共使用了六种不同的强近断层地震。根据非线性地震分析,主应力,详细评估了三个节点的水平和垂直位移,并比较了反射和非反射地震边界条件的数值结果。显然,不应随意使用地震边界条件对 EF 大坝进行 3D 建模和分析。
