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Landscape, upland-lowland, community, and economy of the mekong river (6th-8th century CE): case studies from the Pre-Angkorian centers of Thala Borivat and Sambor
World Archaeology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-25 , DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2022.2032312
Piphal Heng 1, 2


Southeast Asian archaeological research often emphasizes upland-lowland dynamics in the development of premodern complex societies. This paper tracks upland-lowland dynamics in Pre-Angkorian (6th-8th century CE) Cambodia by focusing on land-use and economy along the Mekong River. Proto-urban settlements emerged throughout the Tonle Sap and Mekong Delta alluvial plains but also appeared at key centers such as Thala Borivat, Sambor, and Wat Phu along the Mekong River’s more narrow corridors. The diversified economy that involved movement of forest resources and food between these tropical upland-lowland ecotones, observed during the colonial period, emerged by the 6th-7th centuries CE and coincided with political consolidations during the Pre-Angkor period. Analysis of this region suggests that non-Khmer (ethnic minority) swidden agricultural groups who now dominate the uplands have premodern roots in the region. Using upland-lowland settings to study tropical habitation, this archaeological study offers a risk-reduction exchange-based model for understanding Cambodia’s premodern Mekong organization.


湄公河的景观、高地-低地、社区和经济(公元 6 世纪至 8 世纪):来自前吴哥时代中心的 Thala Borivat 和 Sambor 的案例研究


东南亚考古研究经常强调前现代复杂社会发展中的高地-低地动态。本文通过关注湄公河沿岸的土地利用和经济,追踪前吴哥时代(公元 6 世纪至 8 世纪)柬埔寨的高地-低地动态。原始城市定居点出现在洞里萨湖和湄公河三角洲冲积平原上,但也出现在湄公河更狭窄走廊沿线的重要中心,如塔拉波里瓦、桑博尔和卧佛寺。在殖民时期观察到的涉及森林资源和食物在这些热带高地 - 低地交错带之间流动的多元化经济出现在公元 6 世纪至 7 世纪,恰逢前吴哥时期的政治整合。对该地区的分析表明,现在主宰高地的非高棉(少数民族)轮耕农业群体在该地区有前现代的根源。这项考古研究利用高地-低地环境研究热带栖息地,为了解柬埔寨的前现代湄公河组织提供了一种基于风险降低交换的模型。
