Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-25 , DOI: 10.1177/10634266221076471 Sara Franklin-Gillette 1 , George J. DuPaul 1 , Qiong Fu 1 , Julie Fogt 1
Despite research on peer dynamics in mainstream classrooms and in mental health interventions, investigations of peer dynamics in self-contained classrooms for students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) are limited. This study examined the influence of classroom behavior norms on individual behavior in a school for students with behavior challenges. Ratings of respectful behavior and rule-following behavior were collected for each marking period of one academic year during reading instruction and during lunch at both individual and classroom levels. Two sets of hierarchical linear models examined whether individual behavior trajectories were independent of classroom grouping (i.e., unconditional growth models) and whether classmate behavior norms predicted individual behavior (i.e., conditional growth models). Overall, individual trajectories for respectful behavior and rule-following behavior were not dependent on classroom groupings. However, across behaviors and settings, classroom norms significantly predicted individual behavior. These findings extend classroom norms research into an EBD setting and suggest that classroom norms may promote or inhibit positive behavior within self-contained classrooms for students with EBD. Behavior support programs within self-contained settings should account for influence of classroom norms (e.g., incorporation of group contingencies) to enhance social functioning of students with EBD.

尽管对主流课堂和心理健康干预中的同伴动态进行了研究,但对情绪和行为障碍 (EBD) 学生的独立教室同伴动态的调查是有限的。本研究探讨了课堂行为规范对学校中存在行为挑战的学生个人行为的影响。在阅读教学期间以及在个人和课堂级别的午餐期间,对一学年的每个评分期收集尊重行为和遵守规则行为的评级。两组分层线性模型检查个人行为轨迹是否独立于课堂分组(即无条件成长模型)以及同学行为规范是否预测个人行为(即有条件成长模型)。全面的,尊重行为和遵守规则行为的个人轨迹不依赖于课堂分组。然而,跨行为和环境,课堂规范显着预测个人行为。这些发现将课堂规范研究扩展到 EBD 环境,并表明课堂规范可能会促进或抑制 EBD 学生在独立教室中的积极行为。独立环境中的行为支持计划应考虑课堂规范的影响(例如,加入团体突发事件)以增强 EBD 学生的社会功能。这些发现将课堂规范研究扩展到 EBD 环境,并表明课堂规范可能会促进或抑制 EBD 学生在独立教室中的积极行为。独立环境中的行为支持计划应考虑课堂规范的影响(例如,加入团体突发事件)以增强 EBD 学生的社会功能。这些发现将课堂规范研究扩展到 EBD 环境,并表明课堂规范可能会促进或抑制 EBD 学生在独立教室中的积极行为。独立环境中的行为支持计划应考虑课堂规范的影响(例如,加入团体突发事件)以增强 EBD 学生的社会功能。