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Visible-Light-Triggered Actuators Based on the Molecular Crystals of Anthracenecarbonitrile Undergoing Reversible [4+4] Cycloaddition
ChemPhotoChem ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-23 , DOI: 10.1002/cptc.202200006
Yuanhong Shu 1 , Jingbo Sun 1 , Yuan Yue 1 , Kaiqi Ye 1 , Ran Lu 2

An open-and-shut case: The solid-state [4+4] cycloaddition reaction of 10-fluoroanthracene-9-carbonitrile triggered the needle-like crystals of the compound to bend rapidly. This effect was observed both under UV light and visible light irradiation. The bent crystals can almost recover to their original shape induced by 254 nm light irradiation or by heating as a result of the ring-opening reaction. In addition, a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) film embedded with 10-fluoroanthracene-9-carbonitrile can be employed as an artificial muscle to lift small objects.



开闭案例:10-氟蒽-9-腈的固态[4+4]环加成反应引发化合物的针状晶体迅速弯曲。在紫外光和可见光照射下都观察到了这种效应。弯曲的晶体几乎可以通过 254 nm 光照射或开环反应加热而恢复到其原始形状。此外,嵌入 10-氟蒽-9-腈的聚偏二氟乙烯 (PVDF) 薄膜可用作人工肌肉来提升小物体。