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Reaction of electrons trapped in cryogenic matrices with benzophenone
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-19 , DOI: 10.1002/poc.4335
Ankit Somani 1 , Wolfram Sander 1

The benzophenone radical anion 2 was generated by reaction of electrons with benzophenone 1 in argon and water matrices at cryogenic temperatures. Sodium as source of the electrons was co-deposited with 1 in argon or in low-density amorphous (LDA) water ice matrices. In solid argon, sodium atoms, 1, and small quantities of the radical anion 2 were observed after deposition. Visible light irradiation of these matrices resulted in an electron transfer from sodium to 1 under formation of the radical anion 2. If LDA water ice was used as matrix, hydrated electrons were generated after co-deposition of water with sodium. The hydrated electrons react with 1 without photochemical activation, resulting in the formation of radical anion 2. The photoexcitation of radical anion 2 resulted in photoionization and back-formation of benzophenone 1.