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Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-29 , DOI: 10.1257/app.20180340
David McKenzie 1 , Susana Puerto 2

A common concern with efforts to directly help some small businesses to grow is that their growth comes at the expense of their unassisted competitors. We test this possibility using a two-stage randomized experiment in Kenya that randomizes business training at the market level and then within markets to selected businesses. Three years after training, the treated businesses are selling more, earn higher profits, and their owners have higher well-being. Point estimates of the spillovers on the competing businesses are small and not statistically significant, and the markets as a whole have grown in terms of sales volume. (JEL J16, L25, L26, L53, O14)



直接帮助一些小企业成长的一个共同担忧是,他们的成长是以牺牲他们没有帮助的竞争对手为代价的。我们使用在肯尼亚进行的两阶段随机实验来测试这种可能性,该实验将市场层面的业务培训随机化,然后在市场内对选定的企业进行随机培训。培训三年后,接受治疗的企业销售更多,利润更高,业主的幸福感更高。对竞争业务的溢出效应的点估计很小,在统计上不显着,并且整个市场在销量方面都有所增长。(JEL J16、L25、L26、L53、O14)