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Gender Identity, Coworking Spouses, and Relative Income within Households
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-27 , DOI: 10.1257/app.20180542
Natalia Zinovyeva 1 , Maryna Tverdostup 2

Bertrand, Kamenica, and Pan (2015) document that in the United States there is a discontinuity to the right of 0.5 in the distribution of households according to the female share of total earnings, which they attribute to the existence of a gender identity norm. We provide an alternative explanation for this discontinuity. Using linked employer-employee data from Finland, we show that the discontinuity emerges as a result of equalization and convergence of earnings in coworking couples, and it is associated with an increase in the relative earnings of women, rather than a decrease as predicted by the norm. (JEL D12, J12, J16, J22, J31, Z13)



Bertrand、Kamenica 和 Pan (2015) 证明,在美国,根据女性占总收入的份额,家庭分配的右侧不连续性为 0.5,他们将此归因于性别认同规范的存在。我们为这种不连续性提供了另一种解释。使用来自芬兰的相关雇主-雇员数据,我们表明,这种不连续性是由于共同工作夫妇的收入均等化和趋同而出现的,它与女性相对收入的增加有关,而不是像规范。(JEL D12、J12、J16、J22、J31、Z13)