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Epidemiology’s Time of Need: COVID-19 Calls for Epidemic-Related Economics
Journal of Economic Perspectives ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-05 , DOI: 10.1257/jep.34.4.105
Eleanor J. Murray 1

The COVID-19 pandemic has catapulted scientific conversations and scientific divisions into the public consciousness. Epidemiology and economics have long operated in distinct silos, but the COVID-19 pandemic presents a complex and cross-disciplinary problem that impacts all facets of society. Many economists have recognized this and want to engage in efforts to mitigate and control the pandemic, but others seem more interested in attacking epidemiology than attacking the virus. As an epidemiologist, I call upon economists to join with us in combating COVID-19 and in preventing future pandemics. In this essay, I attempt to provide some insight for economists into how epidemiology works, where it doesn’t work, and the much-needed answers that economists can help us obtain. I hope this will spur economists towards an epidemic-related economics that can provide a blueprint for a healthy economy and population.


流行病学的需要时间:COVID-19 呼吁与流行病相关的经济学

COVID-19 大流行已将科学对话和科学分歧推向公众意识。流行病学和经济学长期以来一直在不同的孤岛中运作,但 COVID-19 大流行提出了一个复杂的跨学科问题,影响了社会的方方面面。许多经济学家已经认识到这一点,并希望努力减轻和控制这一流行病,但其他人似乎对攻击流行病学比攻击病毒更感兴趣。作为流行病学家,我呼吁经济学家与我们一起抗击 COVID-19 和预防未来的流行病。在这篇文章中,我试图为经济学家提供一些关于流行病学如何起作用、在哪些方面不起作用以及经济学家可以帮助我们获得急需的答案的见解。