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The Persistent Effects of Initial Labor Market Conditions for Young Adults and Their Sources
Journal of Economic Perspectives ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-05 , DOI: 10.1257/jep.34.4.168
Till von Wachter 1

Unlucky young workers entering the labor market in recessions suffer a range of medium-to long-term consequences. This paper summarizes the findings of the growing empirical literature on this subject and uses it to assess economic models of career development. The literature finds large initial effects on earnings, labor supply, and wages that tend to fade after ten to fifteen years in the labor market, and that are accompanied by changes in occupation, job mobility, and employer characteristics. Adverse initial labor market entry also has persistent effects on a range of social outcomes, including timing and completed fertility, marriage and divorce, criminal activities, attitudes, and risky alcohol consumption. There is also evidence that early exposure to depressed labor market lowers health and raises mortality in middle age, patterns accompanied by a reopening of earnings gaps.



在经济衰退中进入劳动力市场的不幸年轻工人会遭受一系列中长期后果。本文总结了越来越多关于这一主题的实证文献的发现,并用它来评估职业发展的经济模型。文献发现,对收入、劳动力供应和工资的巨大初始影响在劳动力市场 10 到 15 年后趋于消退,并伴随着职业、工作流动性和雇主特征的变化。不利的初始劳动力市场准入也对一系列社会结果产生持续影响,包括时机和完成生育、结婚和离婚、犯罪活动、态度和冒险饮酒。还有证据表明,过早接触低迷的劳动力市场会降低健康并增加中年人的死亡率,