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Washington Consensus in Latin America: From Raw Model to Straw Man
Journal of Economic Perspectives ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-29 , DOI: 10.1257/jep.35.3.109
Ilan Goldfajn 1 , Lorenza Martínez 2 , Rodrigo O. Valdés 3

We take stock of three decades of a love–hate relationship between Latin American policies and the Washington Consensus, reviewing its implementation, national debate, and outcomes. Using regional data and case studies of Brazil, Chile, and Mexico, we discuss the various degrees of the Washington Consensus implementation and evaluate performance. We find mixed results: macroeconomic stability is much improved, but economic growth has been heterogeneous and generally disappointing, despite improvement relative to the 1980s. We discuss the risk that the region could revert parts of the Washington Consensus reforms, which are necessary building blocks for a new agenda more focused on social integration, a fairer and just society, and environmentally sustainable growth based on better education.



我们评估了拉丁美洲政策与华盛顿共识之间长达三个十年的爱恨交织关系,回顾了其实施、全国辩论和结果。我们使用巴西、智利和墨西哥的区域数据和案例研究,讨论华盛顿共识实施的不同程度并评估绩效。我们发现结果好坏参半:宏观经济稳定性得到很大改善,但经济增长呈现异质性,总体上令人失望,尽管与 1980 年代相比有所改善。我们讨论了该地区可能恢复部分华盛顿共识改革的风险,这些改革是新议程的必要组成部分,该议程更侧重于社会融合、更公平和公正的社会,以及基于更好教育的环境可持续增长。