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Migration and Labor Market Integration in Europe
Journal of Economic Perspectives ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1257/jep.35.2.49
David Dorn 1 , Josef Zweimüller 2

The European labor market allows for the border-free mobility of workers across 31 countries that cover most of the continent’s population. However, rates of migration across European countries remain considerably lower than interstate migration in the United States, and spatial variation in terms of unemployment or income levels is larger. We document patterns of migration in Europe, which include a sizable migration from east to west in the last twenty years. An analysis of worker-level microdata provides some evidence for an international convergence in wage rates and for modest static gains from migration. We conclude by discussing obstacles to migration that reduce the potential for further labor market integration in Europe.



欧洲劳动力市场允许工人在覆盖欧洲大陆大部分人口的 31 个国家/地区进行无国界流动。然而,欧洲国家的移民率仍然远低于美国的州际移民,而且在失业或收入水平方面的空间差异更大。我们记录了欧洲的迁移模式,其中包括过去 20 年中从东到西的大规模迁移。对工人层面的微观数据的分析为工资率的国际趋同和移民带来的适度静态收益提供了一些证据。最后,我们讨论了降低欧洲劳动力市场进一步一体化潜力的移民障碍。