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Next-Generation Policing Research: Three Propositions
Journal of Economic Perspectives ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-04 , DOI: 10.1257/jep.35.4.29
Monica C. Bell 1

The Black Lives Matter movement has operated alongside a growing recognition among social scientists that policing research has been limited in its scope and outmoded in its assumptions about the nature of public safety. This essay argues that social science research on policing should reorient its conception of the field of policing, along with how the study of crime rates and police departments fit into this field. New public safety research should broaden its outcomes of interest, its objects of inquiry, and its engagement with structural racism. In this way, next-generation research on policing and public safety can respond to the deficiencies of the past and remain relevant as debates over transforming American policing continue.



Black Lives Matter 运动伴随着社会科学家越来越多的认识到,警务研究在其范围内受到限制,并且在其对公共安全性质的假设方面已经过时。本文认为,关于警务的社会科学研究应该重新定位其对警务领域的概念,以及对犯罪率和警察部门的研究如何适应这一领域。新的公共安全研究应该扩大其感兴趣的结果、调查对象以及与结构性种族主义的接触。通过这种方式,关于警务和公共安全的下一代研究可以应对过去的缺陷,并在关于改变美国警务的辩论继续进行时保持相关性。