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Quantifying the Supply Response of Private Schools to Public Policies
American Economic Review ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-30 , DOI: 10.1257/aer.20151723
Michael Dinerstein 1 , Troy D. Smith 2

School policies that cause a large demand shift between public and private schooling may cause some private schools to enter or exit the market. We study how the policy effects differ under a fixed versus changing market structure in the context of a public school funding reform in New York City. We find evidence of a reduction in private schools in response to the reform. Using a model of demand for and supply of private schooling, we estimate that 20 percent of the reform’s effect on school enrollments came from increased private school exit and reduced private school entry. (JEL H75, I21, I22, I28)



导致公立和私立学校之间大量需求转移的学校政策可能会导致一些私立学校进入或退出市场。我们研究了在纽约市公立学校资金改革的背景下,在固定的市场结构与不断变化的市场结构下政策效果有何不同。我们发现私立学校因改革而减少的证据。使用私立学校供需模型,我们估计改革对入学率的影响有 20% 来自私立学校退出的增加和私立学校入学的减少。(JEL H75, I21, I22, I28)