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Assortative Matching or Exclusionary Hiring? The Impact of Employment and Pay Policies on Racial Wage Differences in Brazil
American Economic Review ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-30 , DOI: 10.1257/aer.20181596
François Gerard 1 , Lorenzo Lagos 2 , Edson Severnini 3 , David Card 4

We measure the effects of firm policies on racial pay differences in Brazil. Non-Whites are less likely to be hired by high-wage firms, explaining about 20 percent of the racial wage gap for both genders. Firm-specific pay premiums for non-Whites are also compressed relative to Whites, contributing another 5 percent for that gap. A counterfactual analysis reveals that about two-thirds of the underrepresentation of non-Whites at higher-wage firms is explained by race-neutral skill-based sorting. Non-skill-based sorting and differential wage setting are largest for college-educated workers, suggesting that the allocative costs of discriminatory hiring and pay policies may be relatively large in Brazil. (JEL J15, J24, J31, J41, J46, J71, O15)



我们衡量了巴西企业政策对种族薪酬差异的影响。非白人被高薪公司聘用的可能性较小,这解释了两性之间约 20% 的种族工资差距。与白人相比,非白人的公司特定薪酬溢价也被压缩,为这一差距贡献了另外 5%。一项反事实分析表明,在高薪公司中,非白人代表不足的情况中,约有三分之二是通过种族中立的基于技能的排序来解释的。对于受过大学教育的工人来说,基于非技能的分类和不同的工资设置最大,这表明在巴西,歧视性招聘和薪酬政策的分配成本可能相对较大。(JEL J15、J24、J31、J41、J46、J71、O15)