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La domesticité, phénomène socioculturel, représentée dans les œuvres Zoune chez sa ninnaine de Justin Lhérisson et Rêves amers de Maryse Condé
French Cultural Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-14 , DOI: 10.1177/09571558211044965
Sonja Spadijer 1

That childhood should be everywhere at home whatever the circumstances, has been implored by poets. Their powerful voices call on the international community to mobilize to protect the rights of the child. However, there are unfair practices; child domestic work is one of them. These children are called ‘domestic children’, ‘service children’ and les ‘restavèk’. Denounced by humanitarian institutions, child domestic work unfortunately still exists today. This issue has been taken up by writers, thus becoming one of the key themes of literature in French and Creole languages. Our aim is to recall the major role that this literature has played, for more than a century, in raising the awareness of a very large readership on the harmful effects of this practice on children and adolescents. This study will focus on two authors and their works talking about this phenomenon in the context of Haiti, Justin Lhérisson (late 19th and early 20th centuries) with his lodyans Zoune chez sa ninnaine (1906) and Maryse Condé (20th and 21st centuries) with her novel Rêves amers (1987), both closely tied to Haitian culture. While using different literary frameworks, either Creolity in Maryse Condé or Social Realism in Justin Lhérisson, they chose in their fictions to tell about the condition of a child placed in domestic service. Dealing with this phenomenon is also talking about the quest for identity in Haitian literature, which at the beginning a literature of imitation. The expression of J. Lhérisson proves that this literature has become autonomous and that it represents its culture and its society. Because of the originality and the impact exerted, his work deserves to be remembered as part of the universal cultural heritage. M. Condé pleads for freedom of expression, literary cosmopolitanism, universal values, refusing any classification within the borders of a single country or a single language. Thus, the Haitian social realism represented in the expression of these two authors of the Caribbean space brings Creole literature closer to word literature.


La domesticité, phénomène socialculturel, représentée dans les œuvres Zoune chez sa ninnaine de Justin Lhérisson et Rêves amers de Maryse Condé

无论在什么情况下,童年都应该在家中无处不在,已被诗人恳求。他们强有力的声音呼吁国际社会动员起来保护儿童的权利。但是,也有不公平的做法;儿童家务工作就是其中之一。这些孩子被称为“家庭儿童”、“服务儿童”和“restavèk”。不幸的是,受到人道主义机构的谴责,儿童家政工作今天仍然存在。这个问题已经被作家们所关注,因此成为法语和克里奥尔语文学的关键主题之一。我们的目标是回顾这些文献在一个多世纪以来在提高广大读者对这种做法对儿童和青少年的有害影响的认识方面所发挥的主要作用。本研究将重点关注在海地背景下讨论这一现象的两位作者及其作品,Zoune chez sa ninnaine (1906) 和 Maryse Condé (20 和 21 世纪) 和她的小说Rêves amers(1987),两者都与海地文化密切相关。在使用不同的文学框架时,无论是 Maryse Condé 的 Creolity 还是 Justin Lhérisson 的社会现实主义,他们选择在他们的小说中讲述一个被安置在家庭服务中的孩子的状况。处理这一现象也就是海地文学中对身份的追寻,它起初是一种模仿文学。J. Lhérisson 的表达证明了这种文学已经成为自主的,它代表了它的文化和社会。由于其独创性和所产生的影响,他的作品值得被铭记为世界文化遗产的一部分。M. Condé 呼吁表达自由、文学世界主义、普世价值,拒绝在单一国家或单一语言的边界内进行任何分类。因此,
