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On generation citizenship: The new Russian protest among young immigrant adults in Israel
Journal of Israeli History ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-17 , DOI: 10.1080/13531042.2021.2034963
Anna Prashizky 1


This article describes an emerging social protest movement among Generation 1.5 of Russian speakers who immigrated as older children or adolescents and came of age in Israel. It examines the generation, gender, and class aspects of the new social and cultural activism among Russian Israelis, while drawing on the concept of generation citizenship. Contrary to the civic conformism of their parent’s generation, the new Generation 1.5 leaders have developed a generational consciousness and perceive themselves as an active force for change. Acting primarily in the civic and cultural fields, the leaders of this large immigrant cohort are challenging the public discourse on Russian Israelis through successful social media campaigns such as video clips, blogs and articles, cultural festivals, public events, and media engagement.




本文描述了在 1.5 代讲俄语的人中新兴的社会抗议运动,他们作为年龄较大的儿童或青少年移民并在以色列长大。它考察了俄罗斯以色列人中新的社会和文化激进主义的世代、性别和阶级方面,同时借鉴了世代公民的概念。与他们父母那一代的公民习惯相反,新一代 1.5 领导人已经形成了一种代际意识,并将自己视为变革的积极力量。主要在公民和文化领域行动,这个庞大的移民群体的领导人正在通过成功的社交媒体活动(如视频剪辑、博客和文章、文化节、公共活动和媒体参与)挑战关于俄罗斯以色列人的公共话语。
