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Enhancement of SO2 Resistance on Submonolayer V2O5–MnO2/CeO2 Catalyst by Three-Dimensional Ordered Mesoporous CeO2 in Low-Temperature NH3–SCR
Energy & Fuels ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-18 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c04379
Kaiwen Ni 1 , Yuewang Peng 1 , Yuting Wang 1 , Zhiwei Huang 1 , Huawang Zhao 1 , Xiaomin Wu 1 , Guohua Jing 1

Developing low-temperature (<300 °C) SO2-tolerant catalysts for NOx reduction is a challenge. A catalyst architecture of three-dimensional (3D) ordered mesoporous CeO2 supported by submonolayer V2O5 and MnO2 (V2O5–MnO2/3D-CeO2) was successfully prepared to promote the SO2 resistance in low-temperature selective catalytic reduction (SCR). The 3D ordered mesoporous channels were retained even after the exposure of the catalyst to SO2 and H2O. The presence of a highly 3D ordered mesoporous structure of V2O5–MnO2/3D-CeO2 can lead to high vapor pressure, which was beneficial for ammonium bisulfate vaporization and decomposition, eventually protecting the active vanadia sites. The stable active crystalline V2O5 species and the formative cerium sulfate promoters were crucial for determining the low-temperature SCR activity and SO2 tolerance in the presence of SO2 and H2O. Therefore, our V2O5–MnO2/3D-CeO2 catalyst delivered a large temperature range of 250–320 °C with NO conversion above 95%. The 3D ordered mesoporous channels of the V2O5–MnO2/3D-CeO2 catalyst provided an effective way to improve the SO2 resistance at 250 °C.


三维有序介孔 CeO2 在低温 NH3-SCR 中增强亚单层 V2O5-MnO2/CeO2 催化剂的 SO2 抗性

开发用于减少 NO x的低温 (<300 °C) SO 2耐受催化剂是一项挑战。成功制备了由亚单层V 2 O 5和MnO 2负载的三维(3D)有序介孔CeO 2催化剂结构(V 2 O 5 -MnO 2 /3D-CeO 2),以提高低-SO 2电阻。温度选择性催化还原(SCR)。即使在催化剂暴露于 SO 2和 H 2 O 之后,3D 有序介孔通道仍然保留。V 的高度 3D 有序介孔结构的存在2 O 5 –MnO 2 /3D-CeO 2可导致高蒸气压,有利于硫酸氢铵的汽化和分解,最终保护活性钒位点。稳定的活性结晶 V 2 O 5物种和形成的硫酸铈促进剂对于确定在 SO 2和 H 2 O 存在下的低温 SCR 活性和 SO 2耐受性至关重要。因此,我们的 V 2 O 5 -MnO 2 /3D-CeO 2催化剂提供了 250-320°C 的大温度范围,NO 转化率高于 95%。V 2 O 5 -MnO 2 /3D-CeO 2催化剂的3D有序介孔通道为提高250℃下的SO 2抗性提供了有效途径。