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Conglomerate infrastructures: ordinary sites used for extraordinary regimes of power
World Archaeology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-15 , DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2022.2035804
Koji Lau-Ozawa 1


Largescale programs require complex and integrated infrastructures to carry out the aims of power. In the case of the WWII mass removal and incarceration of all Japanese Americans living on the west coast of the US, scholars have focused their attention on incarceration camps and landscapes far removed from towns and cities. This article instead examines the wartime civil control stations which were erected for several weeks to several months in 1942 for the purpose of processing and then assembling Japanese Americans in their local areas before their transportation to detention facilities and ultimately incarceration camps. One hundred and twenty-three buildings, banks, theaters, schools, and a range of other facilities were briefly incorporated into a conglomerate infrastructure before returning to their previous uses. Recognizing the hidden and emergent nature of such infrastructures presents a challenge to archaeologists committed to understanding their use in the marginalization of populations.




大型项目需要复杂和综合的基础设施来实现电力的目标。在二战期间居住在美国西海岸的所有日裔美国人被大规模驱逐和监禁的案例中,学者们将注意力集中在远离城镇的监禁营和景观上。本文反而考察了 1942 年建立了数周至数月的战时民事控制站,目的是在日裔美国人被运送到拘留所和最终监禁营之前,在当地处理和集结他们。一百二十三座建筑物、银行、剧院、学校和一系列其他设施在恢复到以前的用途之前被短暂地合并到一个综合性基础设施中。
