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The value of the homeland: Land in Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq, as territory, resource, and landscape
Economic Anthropology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-14 , DOI: 10.1002/sea2.12246
Katharina Lange 1

Drawing from fieldwork in Kurdistan's Duhok Province between 2013 and 2018, this article scrutinizes the notion of “homeland” through a focus on three ways in which land is valued—as territory, resource, and landscape. Territory, control, and sovereignty over land are claimed in the name of an ethnically defined national whole, yet when approaching land as resource and landscape, we see fissures and cracks that nationalist rhetoric obscures. In each of these, spatial and temporal horizons intersect, while the different temporal scales also imply different social actors: those with local roots may invest in land, while outsiders cannot acquire property; those who seek to make a living from agriculture resent policies that privilege extractive industries. The tensions between these dimensions emerge in contestations over who is at home in this land and how they should inhabit and engage with it properly, as extractivist and speculative usages are both desired and uneasily judged to be at odds with more productive or sustainable practices.



本文借鉴 2013 年至 2018 年间在库尔德斯坦杜霍克省的实地调查,通过关注土地价值的三种方式——领土、资源和景观,来审视“家园”的概念。对土地的领土、控制和主权以民族定义的民族整体的名义声称,但当将土地作为资源和景观进行处理时,我们看到了民族主义言论所掩盖的裂痕和裂缝。在这两者中,时空视界相交,而不同的时间尺度也隐含着不同的社会行为体:有当地根基的可以投资土地,而外人无法获得财产;那些寻求以农业为生的人对赋予采掘业特权的政策感到不满。