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Maternal health expert feedback on the attributes of a predictive analytics tool to improve pregnancy-related cardiovascular and mental health outcomes in the United States
Informatics for Health & Social Care ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-10 , DOI: 10.1080/17538157.2022.2032717
Shirley V Sylvester 1 , Meghan Marr 2 , Robyn R Jones 1


Identify pregnancy-related challenges and opportunities to improve maternal health care in the United States and understand the potential role of predictive analytics tool(s) in bridging the existing gaps, specifically, in CVD (cardiovascular disease) and depression. Experts in maternal health care, research, patient advocacy, CVD, psychiatry, and technology were interviewed during February and March of 2020. Additionally, published literature was reviewed to assess existing data, insights, and best practices that might help develop effective predictive analytics tool(s). The majority (78%) of the 18 experts interviewed were women. The feedback revealed several insights, including multiple barriers to diagnosis and treatment of pregnancy-related CVD and depression. In experts’ collective opinion, predictive analytics could play an important role in maternal health care and in limiting pregnancy-related CVD and depression, but it must be grounded in quality data and integrate with existing health management systems. A holistic approach to maternal health that factors in racial-ethnic, regional, and socioeconomic disparities is needed that starts with preconception counseling and continues through 1 year postpartum. Predictive analytics tool(s) that are based on diverse and high-quality data could bridge some of the existing gaps in maternal health care and potentially help limit pregnancy-related CVD and depression.




确定与怀孕相关的挑战和机遇,以改善美国的孕产妇保健,并了解预测分析工具在弥合现有差距方面的潜在作用,特别是在 CVD(心血管疾病)和抑郁症方面。2020 年 2 月和 3 月采访了孕产妇保健、研究、患者宣传、CVD、精神病学和技术方面的专家。此外,还审查了已发表的文献以评估可能有助于开发有效预测分析工具的现有数据、见解和最佳实践(s). 接受采访的 18 位专家中大多数 (78%) 是女性。反馈揭示了一些见解,包括诊断和治疗妊娠相关 CVD 和抑郁症的多重障碍。在专家们的集体意见中,预测分析可以在孕产妇保健和限制与妊娠相关的心血管疾病和抑郁症方面发挥重要作用,但它必须以质量数据为基础,并与现有的健康管理系统相结合。需要从孕前咨询开始并持续到产后 1 年的孕产妇健康综合方法,将种族-民族、地区和社会经济差异纳入考虑范围。基于多样化和高质量数据的预测分析工具可以弥合孕产妇保健方面的一些现有差距,并可能有助于限制与妊娠相关的心血管疾病和抑郁症。需要从孕前咨询开始并持续到产后 1 年的孕产妇健康综合方法,将种族-民族、地区和社会经济差异纳入考虑范围。基于多样化和高质量数据的预测分析工具可以弥合孕产妇保健方面的一些现有差距,并可能有助于限制与妊娠相关的心血管疾病和抑郁症。需要从孕前咨询开始并持续到产后 1 年的孕产妇健康综合方法,将种族-民族、地区和社会经济差异纳入考虑范围。基于多样化和高质量数据的预测分析工具可以弥合孕产妇保健方面的一些现有差距,并可能有助于限制与妊娠相关的心血管疾病和抑郁症。
