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Loss of life expectancy due to respiratory infectious diseases: findings from the global burden of disease study in 195 countries and territories 1990–2017
Journal of Population Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s12546-021-09271-3
Guogui Huang 1, 2 , Fei Guo 3

Understanding of the patterns of and changes in mortality from respiratory infectious diseases (RID) and its contribution to loss of life expectancy (LE) is inadequate in the existing literature. With rapid sociodemographic changes globally, and the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is timely to revisit the disease burden of RID. Using the approaches of life table and cause-eliminated life table based on data from the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD), the study analyses loss of LE due to RID in 195 countries/territories and its changes during the period 1990–2017. Results indicate that loss of LE due to RID stood at 1.29 years globally in 2017 globally and varied widely by age, gender, and geographic location, with men, elderly people, and populations in middle/low income countries/territories suffering a disproportionately high loss of LE due to RID. Additionally, loss of LE due to RID decreased remarkably by 0.97 years globally during the period 1990–2017 but increased slightly among populations older than 70 years and in many high income countries/territories. Results suggest that RID still pose a severe threat for population and public health, and that amid dramatic sociodemographic changes globally, the disease burden of RID may resurge. The study presents the first examination of the life-shortening effect of RID at the global and country/territory levels, providing new understanding of the changing disease burden of RID and shedding light on the potential consequences of the current COVID-19 pandemic.


呼吸道传染病导致预期寿命下降:1990-2017 年 195 个国家和地区的全球疾病负担研究结果

现有文献对呼吸道传染病(RID)死亡率的模式和变化及其对预期寿命(LE)损失的影响了解不够。随着全球社会人口的快速变化以及当前的 COVID-19 大流行,现在是时候重新审视 RID 的疾病负担了。该研究利用基于全球疾病负担研究(GBD)数据的生命表和消除原因生命表方法,分析了195个国家/地区因RID导致的LE损失及其在1990-2017年期间的变化。结果表明,2017 年,全球范围内因 RID 导致的 LE 损失为 1.29 年,并且因年龄、性别和地理位置的不同而存在很大差异,其中男性、老年人和中低收入国家/地区的人口遭受了不成比例的高损失由于 RID 导致 LE。此外,1990年至2017年期间,全球范围内因RID导致的LE损失显着减少了0.97年,但在70岁以上人群和许多高收入国家/地区中略有增加。结果表明,RID 仍然对人口和公共卫生构成严重威胁,并且在全球社会人口发生巨大变化的情况下,RID 的疾病负担可能会再次增加。该研究首次在全球和国家/地区层面对 RID 缩短寿命的影响进行了研究,为 RID 不断变化的疾病负担提供了新的认识,并揭示了当前 COVID-19 大流行的潜在后果。
