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‘I have her image of bringing me cherries as an offer’
Narrative Inquiry ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-31 , DOI: 10.1075/ni.20049.eft
Christina Efthymiadou 1 , Jo Angouri 2

This paper explores the role of narratives as resources for enacting group membership and community building in the case of one company, a Greek-Turkish partnership, SforSteel. We pay special attention to the function of iterative stories and specifically one that indexes the origin of the partnership. The analysis shows that the story, and its episodes, act as significant interactional resources for partners to claim a shared regional identity, that of people coming from the area of Trabzon in the Black Sea region. By negotiating a common origin, the partners simultaneously strengthen their long-term relationship and continuously reconnect the past to the present. The strong long-term relationship has a symbolic status and constitutes a condition for being accepted in this community. Through the analysis of this story our discussion addresses the importance of iterativity and the foundational relationship between community and trust.



本文探讨了在希腊-土耳其合作伙伴 SforSteel 公司的案例中,叙事作为制定团体成员资格和社区建设资源的作用。我们特别关注迭代故事的功能,特别是索引伙伴关系起源的功能。分析表明,这个故事及其情节充当了重要的互动资源,让​​合作伙伴声称拥有共同的区域身份,即来自黑海地区特拉布宗地区的人们。通过协商一个共同的起源,合作伙伴同时加强了他们的长期关系,并不断地将过去与现在重新联系起来。牢固的长期关系具有象征性的地位,构成了在这个社区中被接受的条件。